Erhard Busek / 28. 5. 2020

Dear Friend,

Many thanks for the first contribution to the Forum for the Humanities. What are you intending to do to make it a real instrument of exchange of ideas? From my Austrian experience I would say, that the human rights under auspices of crises should be discussed, because we are the tough voice of oppositions concerning the limits of freedom we had during the fight against the virus. On the other side there were also voices that we shall forget the endangered groups (older generation), because the situation of economy is more important for the human beings. I think this is a very interesting question. So far my further contribution.

Institute Nova Revija for the Humanities

Vodovodna cesta 101
1000 Ljubljana

+386 12444560
+386 12444587 (Andrej Božič)

Forum for the Humanities (FORhUM) operates under the auspices of Institute Nova Revija for the Humanities (INR; Ljubljana, Slovenia), the activities of which are financially supported by the Slovenian Research and Innovation Agency (ARIS; Ljubljana, Slovenia) within the research program P6-0341, the research project J7-4631, and infrastructure program I0-0036.