Europa südöstlich des Westens. Historische An- und Einsichten

Mira Miladinović Zalaznik – Harald Heppner (Eds.):

Europa südöstlich des Westens. Historische An- und Einsichten

[Europe Southeast of the West. Historic Perspectives and Insights]

Institute Nova Revija for the Humanities, Ljubljana 2023. German language.

European scholars in the field of historic sciences (Konrad Clewing, Harald Heppner, Olga Katsiardi-Hering, Eva Kowalska, Aleš Maver, Gabriella Schubert, Mira Miladinović Zalaznik) present their findings about the past and the contemporaneity of that part of Europe, which is often described as being the Southeast of the West. The contributions are the result of decades-long research regarding the history of Southeast Europe, especially the Balkans, Greece, Slovakia as well as the Southern-Slavic spaces with the distinct emphasis on the historic experience of Slovenia. The additional feature of the collective volume, which offers a differentiated impression of the discussed historic environments, is the circumstance that the authors already within their own contributions respond to the assertions of their colleagues. The language of the discourse is cultivated, yet accessible to anyone who might be interested in the debated topics.

Table of Contents


Mira Miladinović Zalaznik und Harald Heppner


Harald Heppner und Mira Miladinović Zalaznik

Im Labyrinth der Räume

Konrad Clewing

Im Labyrinth der Räume

Diversität versus Nivellierung

Gabriella Schubert

Diversität versus Nivellierung

Mobilität und Vernetzung

Olga Katsiardi-Hering

Mobilität und Vernetzung

Elitenwechsel als Herausforderung

Aleš Maver

Überlegung zum Erhalt der gesellschaftlichen Hierarchien und Elitenwechsel am Beispiel Sloweniens im 20. Jahrhundert

Das kulturelle Erbe: Lasten und Chancen

Eva Kowalska

Die europäische Dimension des Kulturerbes versus dessen na­tionale oder sozialistische Vereinnahmung

Dichotomie zwischen Europa und seinem Südosten

Harald Heppner

Die Dichotomie der Perspektiven zwischen dem Westen und Europas Südosten


Mira Miladinović Zalaznik und Harald Heppner

Institute Nova Revija for the Humanities

Vodovodna cesta 101
1000 Ljubljana

+386 12444560
+386 12444587 (Andrej Božič)

Forum for the Humanities (FORhUM) operates under the auspices of Institute Nova Revija for the Humanities (INR; Ljubljana, Slovenia), the activities of which are financially supported by the Slovenian Research and Innovation Agency (ARIS; Ljubljana, Slovenia) within the research program P6-0341, the research project J7-4631, and infrastructure program I0-0036.